My Mission

Hi, I’m Tiffany Johnson! I am from Tennessee, and I am the founder of Dealing with Dollars. I embarked on this journey in hopes to educate and inform others about how to use their money wisely to better benefit them and their family. I also strive to share new ways to earn income with little to no upfront costs. Who doesn’t like to save money? After years of researching side jobs and money saving hacks, I know what works (and what won’t!). As a mother of three, I know exactly how important it is for you to stretch the dollar and keep as much money as possible in your pocket. I have experienced those situations where the paycheck was not what it should have been or an unexpected bill came up all of the sudden, and you have to move cash from one expense category to another.

Wherever you may find yourself, I’m here to tell you that it’s just a small chapter of your life. It can change for the better if you’re willing to put in the extra effort to learn new habits. Let’s face it. We could all do better in means of our finances, and we all certainly want to. It’s a blessing to me to be able to help you overcome any financial obstacles that come your way. Be sure to subscribe below so that you can get all of our freebies and up-to-date newsletter!

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